
📰 News & Discussions

LoFi/22 Community Meetup

The LoFi/22 community meetup took place on Tuesday January 28th 2025, with talks by Hakan Shehu ("Building Colanode"), Michiel de Jong ("Local-first personal data exporting and applications") and Aaron Boodman ("Introducing Zero").

How Local-First Development Is Changing How We Make Software

"To help us understand the potential impact of local first, we’ve assembled a group of experts, including Heroku co-founder Adam Wiggins, researcher Brooklyn Zelenka, Netlify co-founder Matt Biilmann, and Vella founder Yonatan Feleke"

UX++ and DX++ with Sync Engines

"A sync engine's main purpose is to eliminate the network roundtrip from the critical part of an application. The essential idea is to have a local copy of the data on the client. UI components subscribe to or mutate local data while the engine syncs changes with the server in the background."

Local First App Development | Anselm Eickhoff at JSNation US 2024

"Local First development presents a compelling solution to the complexities of modern app building. By focusing on shared state and leveraging technologies like CRDTs and public key cryptography, developers can create secure, scalable, and user-friendly apps."

Local-First Search: How to Push Search To End-Devices (podcast episode)

Interview on 'How AI is Built' podcast. "Alex Garcia is a developer focused on making vector search accessible and practical."

Every System is a Log: Avoiding coordination in distributed applications

"Building resilient distributed applications remains a tough challenge. [...] How can we radically simplify this? In this article, we walk through a core idea that addresses many of these issues, by avoiding distributed coordination."

The Perfect Dependency - SQLite Case Study (video)

"SQLite is a side project that became the most deployed piece of software ever. Estimated to have more than 1 trillion deployments. It is a great example of how far simple software can go."

Privacy-first architecture: alternatives to GDPR popup and local-first (upcoming talk)

"In this talk, Andrey Sitnik, the creator of PostCSS and the privacy-first open-source RSS reader, will explain how we can stop this dangerous trend and make the web a private place again." FOSDEM '25 Brussels — 1 & 2 February 2025

🛠️ Tools & Resources

Canvas: A distributed runtime for multi-user applications

"Canvas is a framework and sync engine for real-time decentralized applications."

Triplit 1.0 is coming on March 11th with 10-100X the performance

"We’re excited to share that 1.0 is coming on March 11 with a new engine that’s way faster, 100X faster in some cases."

Playbit alpha release

"Playbit is an operating system & development environment which encourages playful learning, building & sharing of local-first software on a personal scale."

Loro Is Local-First State With CRDT

"Diving into Loro on stream today. Local-first, CRDT library written in Rust." - @jacobbolda.com

✨ Apps

Invoice Radar: Automate your invoice collection

"All processing happens locally on your computer. Your data and credentials are never shared. Data syncing between devices and team members is end to end encrypted, for secure collaboration." Uses Jazz

Basedash: The AI-native Business Intelligence Platform

"Check out our local-first app, Basedash Charts, launching today" - @drk.wtf See also Product Hunt discussion

Home Assistant: Awaken your home

"Home Assistant keeps your data local, no need for a cloud."

How to Contribute

Anyone can contribute to Local-First News with a pull request. Instructions and guidelines available here.