
📰 News & Discussions

Local-First Conf 2025 Announced

"Based on all the great feedback for last year, we've decided to extend the conference to 2 full days of talks covering the latest technologies and ideas in local-first." – @schickling.dev

localfirst.fm #19 – Brooklyn Zelenka: UCAN, Beehive, Beelay

"The guest of this episode is Brooklyn Zelenka, a local-first researcher and creator of various projects including UCAN and Beehive. This conversation, will go deep on authorization and access control in a decentralized, local-first environment and explore this topic by learning about UCAN and Beehive. Later, the conversation will also diving into Beelay, a new generic sync server implementation developed by Ink & Switch."

A Pragmatic Approach to Live Collaboration

"OT and CRDT are very powerful tools, and might be the right way to add multiplayer to your application. They can, however, be challenging to implement yourself, and complex to use correctly."

Our journey building an offline-first email client

"We embarked on a long and rambling journey through essentially all prior art and work in the offline-first world. It’s a very hard problem to solve. The good news is that there are many new teams and projects actively and energetically working on this problem."

Alexander Opalic at Vue.js Nation (upcoming conference talk)

"Alex is our first-time speaker, talking about Local-First Web Development and how we can build It with Vue!" January 29-30th, 2025.

2025 Predictions

"Local-first will have a breakthrough moment: I think that Zero Sync has a good chance at cracking this really hard problem. So does electric and maybe jazz, too." See also Lobsters discussion.

🛠️ Tools & Resources

Learn Yjs

"Learn Yjs starts with the basics of Yjs, then covers techniques for handling state in distributed applications. We’ll talk about what a CRDT is, and why you’d want to use one. We’ll get into some of the pitfalls that make collaborative applications difficult and show how you can avoid them. There will be explorable demos and code exercises so you can get a feel for how Yjs really works."

drizzle-zero: generate Zero schemas from Drizzle ORM

Zero is a new general-purpose sync engine for the web from Rocicorp. drizzle-zero makes it easy to work with Zero by mapping your Drizzle schemas directly to Zero. You can define all of your tables and columns in Drizzle, and then get type-safe Zero code for free.

Build a Local-First App with Expo TinyBase and Cloudflare (video)

"In this video you will learn to build local first to do app with Expo, TinyBase, and CloudFlare. To make this tutorial more fun, we're also going to create a sync server to sync data between clients."

Zero Sync is the Future of Data Loading | Syntax (video)

"What’s the deal with Zero Sync? Scott and Wes dive into this cutting-edge database tech, exploring its real-time interactivity, blazing-fast performance, and how it stacks up against the competition. Plus, they break down setup, querying, authentication, and whether it’s ready for prime time."

✨ Apps

T3 Chat - AI Chat

"Every AI chat app felt like Jira. This one feels like Linear." "It's all local-first" - Theo Browne. Using Dexie.js

Orakemu - a life management app

"Smooth cross-platform syncing feels like magic on @orakemu | Works great offline too | Thanks to @powersync_" - @yorgohoebeke

How to Contribute

Anyone can contribute to Local-First News with a pull request. Instructions and guidelines available here.